A word God has been echoing over and over to me in the past few weeks.
I hear it in songs, read it in the Word and in books I'm finishing. Every time it jumps into my spirit and stirs up something that feels like hope.
There are a few different original definitions I'm finding in my research, but two of my favorites are: boetheo -come to the rescue of; help; to run and meet an urgent distress call, as in battle. The verse where this is found is a prayer most of us have cried to Jesus at one point or another:
"The father instantly cried out, 'I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!' " - Mark 9:24 (NLT)
The other is nikao - prevail, overcome, conquer, be victorious, subdue (implying a battle)
This word is used more often, and one of my favorites is in John 16:33:
"I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world" - (NLT)
I have faced some battles recently. Tough ones I would have rather run from than fight. Actually I did try to run away, tried to hide. The battle found me in my cave and came on stronger with fresh attack. I felt helpless and wounded, overwhelmed and defeated. I didn't want to struggle any longer. I was tired and angry and hurt.
But my Rescuer came to overcome for me. When I couldn't fight any more, He fought for me and won. He strengthened my limp arms and set my feet on a steady Rock, which was His Love. Have I faced trials an sorrows in life - of course. He knew we all would, and in some ways more than before I knew Him. Before I served Jesus, Satan was my ally. Once I chose Jesus Satan became my enemy. I had a brand new war to wage and overcome. Alone I'm helpless, but with Him I can. He will win this war, and every battle will be His to overcome. Hopelessness becomes Hope. Defeat turns into prevailing, overwhelming victory when I call on His assistance.
One of the songs God has echoed to me is from David Crowder - "SMS Shine"
"Hold me I need to feel love
Can You overcome this heart that's overcome"
When my heart has felt defeated and conquered, God has come to conquer the attack around me. He has swept me up in His arms, restored what was lost, healed my wounds, stopped my bleeding, and prevailed over my enemies. Overwhelmingly overcome.
Will there be more battles to fight, more enemies to engage? Of course. But what seems frightening in my future, is already accomplished in His usurping of time's boundaries. "I have overcome." It is already done and accomplished. Promise already fulfilled. Every battle - won in my favor. And the ultimate victory - He is coming again. My help is on the way. My future is secure in him.
I will win because He has won.
We overcome.