Okay - I know it's a longer passage than I usually post, but I can't cut any of it out. It's all just too good! And where do I start? Who doesn't want more grace and peace? And how? By growing in our knowledge of Him (which comes, as you know, by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God - EVERY DAY!!) And we give all glory to God alone, because it is only through Him that we have anything good that we have. He has made promises to us that He always keeps, so what do WE do? RESPOND to his promises by growing to the next level. Picture this passage with me by thinking of stepping blocks, each ascending higher and higher, closer and closer to Jesus:
Love for Everyone
Brotherly Affection
Patient Endurance
Moral Excellence
So where are you? What step do you find yourself on today? How can you grow in your knowledge of Him and His Word in order to step up to the next level?
And where are the people you are leading? How can you deliberately speak into their lives to lead them to that next level that is waiting for them? How can you teach them to receive all of the promises God has in store for them?
As we journey as a church together to the Next Level, may we all be looking at how we personally can grow in our walk with Jesus, as well as how we can bring others along with us, leading them closer to Him by the things we do and say, and by the way we allow the Holy Spirit to shine His light through us. Because who doesn't want to be more "productive and useful" for Him?
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