Well, I think some of us need to be reminded of that every once in a while. It can bring PERSPECTIVE to our minds and hearts. (Yes, perspective is my word for the year. KLOVE was challenging people at the beginning of the year to pick a word to reflect on, learn, and apply, and God led me to that one. So if you get sick of me saying it, well, forgive me. It's just my word.)
First of all, cleanse your spiritual palate with this: If you were the only soul on earth, Jesus would have died for you and you alone. He loves you that much, so in a sense His passion was about you and all about you.
That being stated and applied, let's dig into the entree . . .
"We do violence to the Biblical revelation when we 'use' it for what we can get out of it or what we think will provide color and spice to our otherwise bland lives. That results in a kid of 'boutique spirituality' - God as decoration, God as enhancement. The Samuel narrative will not allow that. As we submit our lives to what we read, we find that we are not being led to see God in our stories but to see our stories in God's. God is the larger context and plot in which our stories take place." (From Introduction to 1 Samuel, the Message Bible by Eugene Peterson)
I think it's important to remember this. If we are growing and becoming more mature in Christ's love, our prayers should increasingly move from "God help me today with . . ." to "God, can I be a part of what you're working on today?" Do we ask for help? Yes and always. Isn't that why God is here? Yes, but not in totality. He's here to minister to you, but also to equip you to be a minister to others.
Eugene Peterson's words struck me this morning because I feel like I've been exposed to some very self-centered people lately, and I need to resist the urge to smack them. (I know that's hard for you to imagine, but you just might not have met that side of me yet. And if you're reading this, I'm probably not referring to you, so don't get all insecure on me, now.) And while I was underlining that paragraph in my Bible, I got to thinking that sometimes I can be that way too. I can self-seekingly read the Bible for what's in it for me, rather than for a greater understanding of how I fit into the context of God and His story of redemption and radical restoration. It doesn't revolve around me, but I am an integral piece.
Balance . . .
I recently did a Beth Moore study with my girlfriends (love you, Sisters!), and this was something she prefaced in the beginning. She said, not every study we do has to be ABOUT us in order for us to gain increased Bible knowledge and grow spiritually. It was great to hear that from her, because she is very applicational by nature. But, once again, when we read it or study it or learn it, we have to get to the point where we value it as the precious words of the Almighty Creator and Savior, regardless of whether or not we see our names written on the page. (And I know you've been there, too!)
So today, look yourself in the mirror and repeat these words: "It's not all about you!" And today after you ask the Giver of all good things to bless you and help you with your agenda, try asking Him this, too: "Jesus, would you give me the honor of helping You with Your important agenda?"
And then hold on tight, because I think it's a prayer He'll enjoying answering for you . . .
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