Yesterday I was completely smitten with this one:
"Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them. And athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules. And hardworking farmers should be the first to enjoy the fruit of their labor." - 2 Timothy 2:3-6 (NLT)
I love how real Paul is here, instructing his young padawan-learner, Timothy, in the delicate art of ministering to a church of sinners and new disciples. Here's my own paraphrase of the chapter: Shepherding this flock will not be easy, but the Lord will help you and give you strength. After all, Jesus is our example, and even He faced suffering and trials. When you come up against opposition remember these three victorious examples as well:
* a devoted soldier who doesn't get caught up in civilian affairs that don't concern him, but rather keeps his focus on his loyalty to his commander. (Remember that we serve THE Commander, and His orders are always for the best of both the troops and also for victory on the war-front.)
* an honest ball-player who doesn't cheat just to win. He plays by the rules and wins the noble way so that no one can question the validity of his trophy in the end. (Remember, righteousness is the good and prosperous way that true champions live.)
* a diligent farmer who toils for his share of the produce. In the end he is entitled to partake in the fruit of his labor because he didn't give up when the work was hard or the drought seemed insurmountable. (Remember, it takes time to grow something from seed to harvest - be it apples, oranges, or a healthy church body.)
I know this will seem like a no-brainer, but we're not in heaven yet. Life on earth is hard work, and once you become a Christ-follower, you don't all-of-the-sudden get to skate by on easy street (contrary to some beliefs). Devotion, honesty, and diligence are key to living the lives God has destined for us here on earth, so let's hunker down and get 'er done! Heaven will come someday soon, and there will no longer be a need for such efforts. We'll all be made perfect in our devotion to the Lord, there will be nothing but honest workings in the new heavens and earth, and we'll no longer have to toil for what we need - God will have it all done for us!
For the time being, let us keep our eyes on Jesus! Though He faced trials, troubles, and persecution, He was able to fight the good fight until the End, and He will help us to do the same.