"Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything." - Psalm 46:8 (Msg.)
In light of the sermon this week and the powerful message God sends us, I think it would be beneficial to think about HOW we might go about stepping out of the traffic of our lives. So while it's important to realize that busyness happens, and that even Jesus was busy, we've somehow got to figure out how to regularly and purposefully get away from the hectic pace to be alone with Him.
I've heard of and tried several ways of doing this, and I think above all, it's important to know that this will look different for each individual Christ-follower. For some, (including myself) this will include carving several minutes out of each day to read God's love letter/instruction-manual-for-life-on-earth, the Bible. I'm a reader, though. I devour written words like some people do movie-theater popcorn. (How can we eat so much of the stuff in the span of just two-and-a-half hours?) But not everyone takes a break with pages and words.
Some people step out of the traffic by taking a walk in their neighborhood, or in the woods. They walk and pray; listen and observe. They leave the preoccupation with "doing stuff" by walking away from it. Literally.
Still others might find a place in their home or yard to just be still; to take a deep breath and breathe in the Holy Spirit as they turn theirs back on dishes, check-books, and even conversation with family members. They have a certain spot of seclusion where no one can interrupt or steal their attention away from the Better Thing.
How about you? How do you "step out of traffic"? What deliberate measures to you take to get away from the again-ness of your crazy life in order to sit at the feet of your Creator? Please share your secrets - we're dying to know!
1 comment:
Hi! I'm so glad you are participating in the 30 day challenge with us! I am your new "follower" and I look forward to reading more from you. :)
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