Well, you probably already know my answer, but I wonder what others might think.
Most of the population might answer, "Well sure, if you're a Christian." However, the Barna Research Group might beg to differ. As it turns out, reading, understanding, and knowing the Bible isn't as important to Christians as one might assume, or as it once was. "Less than one out of every five born again adults (19%) has a biblical worldview, which is unchanged in the past 15 years." (George Barna, 2009)
So, let me get this straight: they claim to be followers of Jesus Christ, but they don't know what He believed or said - pre- or post-incarnate? They claim to know God, but they've never read His Love-Letter all-the-way-through? They go to church and let the preacher spoon-feed them, but they don't pull up a chair to partake of His feast Monday through Saturday?
Hmmm . . . doesn't quite add up does it?
What about you? Would you call yourself Biblically literate? How would you define the term? How important is it to you?
Tell you what, let's play a little game. I'll give a surprise to the first person to comment with the correct answer to my Bible trivia this week. Open-book. One question per day. Scripture reference to back up your answer. They'll get harder as we go.
Ready, set . . .
#1. According to the Bible, what turns away wrath?
(you never know, it might be a really great surprise I've got behind my back!)
A gentle answer turns away warth. Proverbs 15:1
Wow, James - that was really fast! I'm impressed. I know a few James's, though, so you'll have to give me a little more info about yourself. If you'd like to remain incognito, you can e-mail me at robynlangdon@yahoo.com
I'm Jim Brown on Facebook. Not sure we've ever met, honestly! I think you friended me after my trip to Haiti with GCOM. We may have spoken on the phone around that time.
I commented on your FB post as well. :-)
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