Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Does it count?

I've had some big questions for God in my life. Why? Why me? Where do you want me? How do I deal with that? What do you expect of me? What do you want from me? How can I do what counts? What does count in your eyes, anyway?
Sometimes I find the answers and sometimes I don't. And it's not like He's not always answering. But sometimes I'm not listening. Or I'm not watching. Or I don't wait long enough. Or I talk over Him. But recently I've been asking that last one a lot. And one of my favorite things in life is when I ask God a question, and then I read the answer when I open the Bible. It never gets old. So check out this black and white:
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."-Galatians 5:6 (NIV)
Yeah. Thanks, Jesus. I read you loud and clear.
I don't have to ask how to do that any more. Not only have I received that from others, I've had over fifteen years of practice doing that. And not that I've perfected it, but I do know it. So now that I know WHAT counts and HOW to do it, the matter is in the doing. And not just today or yesterday, but faith expressed through love tomorrow and next week and next year and until I die. Faith expressed through love to him and her and them and the lost and the flock and broken and those who want it and those who don't. When it benefits me and when it hurts me. When I'm filled and when I'm empty. Faith expressed through love. Loving words and loving actions backing them up. Love unconditional and love regardless. For the lovable and even more for the unlovable. For now and for the future and for eternity.
It's the only thing that does count.


Trish said...

Love it and you. Thanks I forget sometimes.

Jaime Miller said...

I felt pretty loved the day I came home from a jog to see a small envelope that had somehow not made it in my mailbox. It's from a woman who just wanted to express compassion, offer prayer and a listening ear if I ever wanted to talk about the loss of my baby. All of that from a woman I had never laid eyes on, and God had loved me through her. Something I will never forget.

I think you're on the right track....