Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful list continued . . .

Because His grace just keeps coming . . .

- for the Blood and the Body - spilled and broken for me. And for the cup and the bread of remembrance. It is my Portion and it is Enough.

- for rain, as painful as it is. I choose to rejoice in this day the Lord has made. Yes, even this one.

- for windows. Let in the light and the view, keep out the painful chill. What a perfect barrier. Would that they made windows for my heart.

- for food tomorrow. Not everyone has it to put on the table.

- for freedom, so costly, so precious. To come and go, to work and earn, to live and love - all without fear for my life or my safety. Thank you, Jesus, Noah (my Navy-boy brother), and all of our service men and women.

- for light-hearted notes passed between my two small people under their bedroom doors last night. I love the way they love each other.

- for you. It's nice to be heard and read by friends. Thank you for seeing me.

More tomorrow . . . (unless I get too swamped in the kitchen to turn on the computer - *wink*)

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