Thursday, March 4, 2010

a tearful day

I have to admit I got to my breaking point today.

I could not hold back my tears as we saw the people at the clinic today. We saw many people affected by the earthquake - many injuries, including one man whose leg, while not broken, was still very swollen and painful to walk on; 2 baby boys who were being cared for by neighbors - both of their parents died (one baby was found in his dead mother's arms); and many many others with serious need and malnourishment. I just kept praying for them, asking the Lord to encourage their hearts and fill them with supernatural hope and joy.

I enjoyed being one of the pharmacists again today, and I also got to give out small toys, bracelets and lollipops for the kids. I kissed the babies on their sweet little cheeks, gave as many smiles as I could manage, and basically poured out all of the energy the Spirit gave me.

Last night I painted a lot of little toe and finger nails, and got to help the little girls here at the mission to make some crafts. They are so funny because they love to have their pictures taken and they pose like they are little supermodels. I laughed so hard that I almost cried. They just keep hugging me and kissing me and I just keep hugging and kissing them back. I know some of the hugs and kisses are from you too!

It's hard for me to organize my thoughts right now, but I hope you can hear my heart. It is so broken, so full of love, so inadequate, and so joyful all at once. It is what I expected to be, only so much more magnified.

Of everything I have to share, I'll leave you with this. I saw a little boy today that absolutely wrecked me. He is about three and had no shoes, which we quickly remedied, and both his parents died in the earthquake. His neighbor is now caring for him, but she already has four of her own children. How is she going to provide for him? How he must still miss his family! Oh, if only if I could do more than give him a smile and a lollipop. All I can think of tonight is how Josiah asked me if he could have a Haitian brother to keep and sleep in his bunk bed.

I know God can answer my prayers for him, but I cannot keep my heart from hurting and my eyes from crying. To see it and to touch him, to hold him and kiss him - please just take my word - it is so much heavier in person . . .


Trish said...

Can I cry with you. Would you love on them for me. I wish I could be there. So hurts my heart. I just cant imagine. God will carry you in His hands. I love you.


ADrienne said...

I think if I was there I'd be calling Andy to fill out adoption papers for all of them. I don't know how you do it- you're a MUCH stronger person than me...I'm crying now just thinking of how helpless I feel.

Stacey said...

Hang in there, Robyn. God chose you and He will strengthen you and give you all the peace and wisdom you need to get thru this sacred work He's given you. We love you and are praying ALL the time.

Jacinda said...

There must be great faith and love in the mother who can take in one more with so few visible resources to her. God can use a woman like that. :) More sunshine today--new mercy, new hope, new assignments to take! Take heart--Jesus Christ has overcome the world.

Anonymous said...

I thought I had a problem this morning. No problem here. I will only bless God today. And pray all those people get something to eat today.--mom

Anonymous said...
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Kevin said...

It's a glorious and terrible feeling to have your heart broken by what breaks God's heart... so much pain that only our Lord can fill. Our love and prayers are with you, to help recharge your spirit, so it can all flow back out of you the next day like living waters to HIS beloved there in Haiti.

Kevin said...

Sweet assurance from Joshua:
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Anna said...

Thank you, Robyn, for taking the time to share your days with all of us back here. It is helping us know specifically how to pray.

Your blog's are now getting around to the MOPS girls as well and we prayed for you at MOPS Bible study this morning.

Your words and updates are allowing our hearts to swell with even more compassion and I can't even imagine how God's heart must break as he sees the brokenness and desperation of his creation. How awesome that you get to be his arms wrapping around his people; his hands that administer medical help; and the voice that gets to speak hope and healing.

May His Spirit sustain you as you continue your work. We will continue to pray. Love you, Robyn.


Unknown said...

Hi Robyn, I admire your great courage and strength for all that you are doing. I know your kind heart and smile alone are enough to lift anyone's spirits. I thank God everyday that I have what I have and cannot even imagine what it is like there in Haiti. God bless You!

your neighbor, Mary Ann

Christine said...

Praying for you Robyn. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26