Today I'm a little preoccupied with research for my book, so bear with me if you will.
Let's breech the topic of Women in the Church - not so we can fight over a controversial issue, but in order to see what the Bible really says.
There are a few women in the Bible who bear the title "Prophetess": Miriam, Deborah, and Huldah. One commentary, however, stated that this title was not necessarily indicative of an ability to foresee events, but rather of possessing a poetic speech-giving talent. Another book I got from the library yesterday implied a disdain among all Jewish people for women who learned and spoke the Word of God.
Really? What a shame. Frankly, I don't see that in Scripture.
Disrespectful Miriam aside, let's look at just Deborah and Huldah here. Not only did they know God's Word, but their faith stands out among even the men in their own generation, and we can indeed see the prophetic spirit at work. In Judges Deborah reluctantly agrees to fight with Barak, prophesying that he'll lose face if she does when God wins. She leads the charge and comes out on top, just as God spoke through her.
And Huldah - well, she's right on the money too. She knows the king's heart, speaks out the forthcoming destruction and judgement (which would come to pass just 14 years later), and tells Josiah's future. Though some may contend that he didn't die "in peace," I'd argue that he was at peace with God, and Judah was not necessarily "at war" when he was killed. Prophetess: of course, in every sense of the word. And did she know God and His Ways, His Law? She had to have known. God reveals His secrets to His friends. (John 15:15)
"She said to them, 'This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: Tell the man who sent you to me, "This is what the Lord says: I will bring trouble to this place and to the people living here, as it is written in the book which the king of Judah has read. The people of Judah have left me and have burned incense to other gods. They have made me angry by all that they have done. My anger burns against this place like a fire, and it will not be put out." ' " - 2 Kings 22:15-17 (NCV)
I love Huldah. Not quite as much as I love Josiah, but still. I love that she's an example (one of many in the Bible) to today's women who follow God. She knew God's heart, was known (even among the highest Palace officials) to hear from Him, and was bold enough to give a convicting prophesy which couldn't have been a popular opinion in her generation.
I pray that God will raise me up to be like her. And I pray for many other women to be raised up in my generation as well. I also pray for more men like King Josiah, Hilkiah, Abcor, Ahikam, Shaphan, and Asaiah who will seek out the wisdom of these women whom God has clearly called and is using, and for a people who will listen.
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