Today I have a new awe of God.
The vast and seemingly-endless ways people come to know Him. I see it in Scripture, and I see it in my generation too. Some come quickly to their knees, at the mere mention of the Cross and His Holy Name. Others take years, even decades of searching, seeking, looking, and studying to receive His forgiveness and leadership. Though the Way is singular, the paths to Him are as numerous as the number of Souls He has made.
And to me they are all exceedingly amazing. That God could put that many pieces of this puzzle into place is simply unthinkable in my puny mind.
Oh, wow, You are so gigantically powerful, My Lord!
My process in coming to Jesus was nothing short of miraculous. And when I look back, even when I wasn't actively "seeking" Him, I can see that he was undeterred in chasing after me. As they say, "hindsight is 20/20." My teenage years were filled with times of self-seeking pleasure and prideful accomplishment. But God even used those times to show me I'd fail every time without Him. When I started looking for Him, I wrestled with Jesus who is the Word. Turning the pages over and over again, I fought Him and demanded the Truth. And, oh my, did He deliver. In the end it was I who was pinned to the mat in exhaustion and sweet defeat. He had beaten my pride and my "intelligence" and when I cried out for mercy He responded with a deep kiss of grace.
I would be forever changed and changing.
"For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him." -1 Chronicles 28:9b (NLT)
"Turn to the LORD!
He can still be found.
Call out to God! He is near." -Isaiah 55:6 (CEV)
Tell me about your story, dear seeker . . . Let us stand in awe of Him together.
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