Monday, November 21, 2011

I'd like to slow down

This time of year, I can't help but step on my imaginary time brakes and try to halt everything.

You know what? Imaginary brakes don't slow down a thing!

So, here's my rebellion against the rush. I'm going to post a list of stuff I'm thankful for. No Christmas lists. For me or others. Not because I won't give or receive or have a good time doing both in celebration of the Birth of my King. No, not that. It's because being thankful should take as long as it takes. Here goes:

- for songs like this one that draw my heart higher to Him, no matter how low it has sunk

- for the opportunity to write with two friends this morning, and be unexpectedly refreshed in that redeeming chance

- for the way He loves me even when I feel unlovable

- for a husband who offers me comfort, even in his own pain

- for friends who give me time to be quiet, a mentor who understands when I double-book myself and have to reschedule, and other friends who answer a desperate text in the middle of the night

- for courage to do what needs to be done

- for a daughter who cares about excellence in all she does, and a son who just wants to give others joy

- for generous people who spoil me often, not just on December 25th

- for technology - a beloved chain, I know; I'm thankful nonetheless

- for a furnace in my home and my workplace to warm me in this weather and temperature that stabs me in the back every year, no matter how hard I try to embrace it head-on

- for a little bit of energy left to give; just enough for each day

- for this song too, which brought needed tears to the surface today

Won't you be thankful with me this week?

I love you, friends. I'm especially thankful for you.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you my friend. It seems that we haven't yet given thanks and eaten turkey and people are putting up their tree and all the glitter that goes along with it. It's not about a tree in the house, or the lights outside. It's all about our Lord and Savior the one who makes all things possible. Slow down and give thanks to Him for all your blessings. For they are many. The biggest and best present any of us will receive is Jesus Christ. The best gift we'll ever give is Christ when we share the Word of His love. Having Christ in our homes is the best gift our children will receive too. Slow down and rest your mind, forget what's on your shopping list for a second. Stop and feel the Holy Spirit in your soul, feel the love and warmth of Christ. He is all we need to slow down the crazies this time of year brings. Don't lose Christ when celebrating Christmas. I'm thankful for being able to say these things here because of my friend. I'm thankful and grateful for her and the way she shares her good fortune with the world. Have a wonderful Christmas my friend Robyn.

Pat Osborne said...

I'm not really anonymous. You know me Robyn ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks, Pat. I love you and I'm thankful for you too. Have a lovely Thanksgiving. I miss you bunches.

Denise C. said...

Thank you for this Robyn! And for you! You said it all so perfectly. As I sit here listening to everyone talking about all the shopping they are going to be doing...Thanksgiving night when the stores open!! I am here thinking where do they get all the money to do that shopping, can I get everything I need to get for Christmas and pay my bills and more importantly...why do I worry about all of this or have to worry. What ever happened to the reason for the season!!! Every year it gets worse and it saddens me more. I can't not do what is expected of me as far as gifts or others will feel cheated. I just sit here and pray that it will all work out and I do trust in God that it will but....I can't shake that feeling of sadness I have when I realize, the world has really taken "Christ" out of Christmas!

Rebekah Ceol said...

I'm thankful for the wisdom/guidance of older, more mature christian woman.

Small joys like a babies belly laugh, cool breezes on sunny days, or a friends hug.

Brand new socks (laugh all you want but I LOVE new socks)

A God who is always there for me when I turn to Him, no matter what I've done.

An excessively comfortable life in America, although I don't always see it

moments when I feel completely understood

A God that communicates with me


The moments when I can practically feel God holding me.

I got lots more but these are the ones that come to mind first.

Thanks for helping me set aside the time to stop and be thankful. I have this feeling that if we would compete on who could come up with a bigger list of things we're thankful for, I'd lose ;)

Jamie Smith said...

Thanks for sharing this Robyn.
Very well put.
I am thankful for a family that leads me just the way they are, and accepts me just the way I am.
From the man who's tree has been up for a month already :P